I am not: ever in a bad mood
I hurt: when my kids don't want to play with me
I love: rainy days, the beach,the woods
I hate:hatefulness?
I fear:something happening to my family
I hope:that my kids will be independent strong women
I see: the sky,all gray & wintery
I regret: NOT A DAMN ThING!
I cry: easily over sentimental things
I care: about dogs,cats, kids
I always: have a good time
I long to:travel
I listen to Grateful Dead, John Prine, Joni Mitchell,Green Day, Good Charlotte, Classical music I sing: loudly & off key
I dance:wildly & enthusiasticly
I write: on my computer
I play: my way through life
I miss: my old dog who's been dead 20 years
I feel: proud to be here!
I know:how to paddle a canoe
I say: life's too shor to miss a party"I search:for my cell phone & car keys
I learn: every day how to forget things that make me sad & remember things that mke me glad
I succeed:when I love
I dream: of the mountains
I sleep: as little as I can
I worry: that Caitlin will break something & Mariah will kill someone, just kidding
I have:the most caring kind husband ever
I give: it all I got
I fight:negative thoughts
I wait: on no one & for no one
I need: lots of love
I think: of wasys to turn bad times into good ones
I can’t: turn a cartwheel
I stay:happy