Okay, I am going to try once again to write my entry about the merry misadventures of Caitlin and Desiree.
They are out for an evenings recreation,when I receive a phone call from Cailtin , all chipper,asking if she can spend the night with Desiree.
I told her no ,she had to watch Victoria (job 3) because I had to go to job 1. Victoria's mom is out of town & today was a teacher work day.
"Oh, no problem,"she airily assured me, "Desiree's mom will bring me home in the morning."
I begin to smell the proverbial rat stronger at this point.
Desiree's mom works nights and I can't see her as being way enthusiastic over an early morning trek across town.
So I called her at work.
She said Desiree had told her she was spending the night with Caitlin.
That one is as old as granma's toes!
If you are going to lie to me, at least have the respect to make it a good one!
I called Cailtin and told her, that she , Desiree & Boyfriend Billy had 5 minutes to get home.
They pulled up and I was on the porch, remembering the days when I would've danced on my mama's grave & shot my dog for a night out with my friends.
"Got your stories straight?" I asked.
Caitlin was defiant, "why were you checking up on me like a cop?"
"Cause I knew you were lying, darlin"
Desiree looked just like she looked when she was 7 and ate all the Girl Scout snack.(she said she dropped it , if I remember correctly)
Boyfriend Billy was in abject terror.
I was in the midst of one of my more profound philosophical speeches,when Tom , who was oblivious to the entire situation, threw a garden hose up on the porch. He then ran into the house.
"What's happening?"quavered Desiree.
I was not to be deterred from my point."something's wrong with the air conditioner'< I replied, then resumed my speech about shame and secrecy.
"Is it on fire?" Desiree timidly asked
This was a reasonable assumption, as Tom was running from room to room with a hose..
"that's not important right now"I grumbled.
At that point, Tom appeared triumphant and gave a long pointless speech about how an air conditioner works.
Boyfriend Billy was transfixed.
I will check up on the gadabout girls every time they leave the house now.
Boyfriend Billy's mom and I have talked on the phone quiet a few times.
The air conditioner works.
And the porch has another story to tell.