The best thing about being a teacher is you always get to stay a kid.
I measure my life in chunks of time:
spring break
Easter Sunday Caitlin and I packed up our battered sleeping bags and headed off for an adventure.
We drove over to Dauphin Island with a brief stop to pick up the intrepid Desiree.
We pulled up to my dear friends Leisa and Peter's house, two refugees from a Jimmy Buffett song and livers of the good life.
We pile into the boats for a ride to Sand Island, which is a big sand bar out in the Gulf. Sky so blue it hurts your eyes, silver dolphins glinting in the sun, white caps bumping your bottom on the bow.
Three days with my daughter and her friends on the island where we were not just mom and child, but equals working together at playing hard.
Late nights around the campfire.
drinking too much
eating too much
getting too much sun
Too much of everything is just enough!
I renewed a friendship with Ila, made a new one with Theresa, enjoyed Caitlin's friends Samamtha, Jessica and Will, who when I asked him who made him so pretty, his mom or his dad, replied, "It took both of them", with his perfect white smile.
We laughed over things that are so funny at the time and so impossible to explain. I will always remember the lipless coyotes.
It was like this...nope, cant' explain it.
The birds fly around and around the island until it makes you dizzy to try and follow them with your eyes.
The only sounds are wind and waves and laughter.
If I could get a supply boat to come out there, I wouldn't come home.