I didn't want any of my friends to know about my surgery.
It was right after Mardi Gras and I didn't want to bring down the party
didn't' want anyone to worry
besides, it was being done for diagnostic purposes, so I didn't want to use any sympathy now that I might need for later!
I did mention to a friend who is a nurse at a local hospital that I was going to be in and she could stop by and visit me.
Trouble is, I was not going to the hospital where she worked.(I had forgotten this with the aid of several mimosa)
My nurse friend hurt her arm trying to catch a moon pie, so she called another friend to come see me. (this is a common injury down here where we are all a little crazy from the humidity)
This dear friend, who I only see once or twice a year these days, scoured the hospital looking for me and finally somehow located me in the hospital where I was.
I was shocked to see her, especially since Mariah has not been able to stand the sight of said friend since she told her to be quiet at a Mardi Gras parade when she was 7.(this is also common, alliances are formed and family fueds are born at parades)
Meanwhile, I am trying to figure out how to get Cailtin home from school.
Caitlin called, all confused, wanting to know who on earth Bianca Patrick was.
Confused also, I was going through all the snapshots in my mind...dredging up old memories...thinking aloud in my pre-op fog.
"But why is she coming to get me at school?"Caitlin plaintively wailed
"Oh, "
"That would be your Uncle Patrick"
By the time a message goes through several people , It tends to get a bit garbled.
So I am up and about a trifle shakily this morning, after my mom called and said"I wanted to see how you were feeling and to tell you I'm out of cokes and cigarettes".
I am all awash in maternal love here!
It's all good hereon the sunny side of the porch!
If you can't laugh about it at the time, turn it around a bit until you can get a good story out of it.