Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Weekend

Breakfast with Karen

A Little Astromony with Tom and Tori

And Granny's 85th birthday

She can still throw a mean football!

Tom and his baby bro

skateboarding Evelyn

strong man Seth

babies always mange to survive the trip down the steps with cousin's help.

We were happy to be together.

lots to eat


uncles and nephews


Granny and her daughter and grandchild

cousins tussling

Always a good time when we are together.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Cathedral Square

I took these pictures

 while I was waiting for the kids

to arrive in the limo

on their way to dinner

 before the dance.


Girls like flowers

Guys full of swagger in stiff new shoes

Parents play paparazzi

then hand them their hearts

to take with them

to the dance.


Friday, September 21, 2007

A Night Out with the Girls


thought for the day:

If you get past

the diapers

and the teenage angst

 and keep your sense of humor ,

 your kids will like you

 when they're grown

 and occasionally

 take you out for margaritas.

This is

 my Mariah and Michelle,

who I helped keep alive

 during the teen years.


We danced


And made friends

with the band

Judging frommy expression, I must have felt he was a tad too friendly!

What can I say?

It beats the hell out of Chuck E. CHeese!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Lost in the Woods

I could feel the first hint of fall in the air.

I was desperate to get out in the woods.

I woke Tom up and dragged him to the car with his first cup of coffee.

The air smelled great , didn't it, Jack?


The woods were sun-dappled and quiet.





Spanish moss hanging from the trees

Jack and I on a board walk over the swamp.


The spring water was actually cold!

We were so glad to be out.

We were also thrilled to see our car,

 4 hours later!


Hoping you get lost in your good times,
