Little things pieces of my life's mosaic Ordinary days with small joys to run through my fingers like rosary beads Caitlin took me to lunch and for a pedicure ten toes giggles and just us girls a memory to keep
I'm feeling good here lately I find feeling good has little to do with what is going on in my life and much with what happens in my head I have been given a gift of peace I don't know exactly how I arrived here I started taking care of myself doing what I wanted to do
there are some things I am powerless to fix so I may as well let them go toss them in the figurative river let it flow on by every one has their own path they need to follow we all have to find our own way so I go my way make my own choices not excuses and find what joy I can along the journey. I've also been playing with some new friends babysitting Mariah's friend Michelle's boys renewing an old friendship with Dell who used to live next door we lost touch for a few years but fell right back into our comfortable ways and like a baby turtle blindly headed for the ocean floated in the amniotic fluid of the Gulf of Mexico and emerged reborn finding my smile on the beach like a seashell
When you are on base You are safe No one can touch you You can catch your breath Before you have to start running again. I was with Dana, Paula, Stacey & Stephanie this weekend I was safe.