Due to some strange Irish combination of potatoes & alchohol, my dear husband managed to start a fire in the stove.
He burnt the hood up (stove, not neighbor)
We had to call the fire department!
They were handsome & heroic.
We took pictures.
He's asleep now so he doesn't even know I'm not speaking to him!
LOL Oh the adventures you have!! I wish I had been a fly on the wall through that whole thing! <not on the same wall that was burning up> Take care and do you get a new stove now?? That could be the bonus to the situation.
At least you've got your sense of humor and hopefully, a good insurance agent.
O God have you had your adventures for this month, lol hang in there girlfriend~kbear
I bet he won't try that dish again!
oops at least you got to see some hansome firemen send me some this way lol COME ON OVER FOR A VISIT
Oh my!! I caught a pizza on fire and burned up my kitchen a couple of years ago. Oh my!! xo
Thank God no one was injured.
As I said you are hilarious!.....courtenay
You took pictures?! HAHA! You are a riot! I think maybe hubby should stay out of the kitchen for awhile- atleast until you start speaking to him again!
I take it that Hubby is pleading the 5th......... a 5th of Jack Daniels, or Captain Morgan or.......lol lol lol
Oh my... Always an adventure here! Can't wait for the pictures.
He's asleep now so he doesn't even know I'm not speaking to him.....
OMG are we related?????
Are you married to the same culinary genious I am? Or could they be related?
Mac tried to heat up a pot of green beans once by turning it on high...and wandering off.... set fire to the kitchen...burned a hole in the wall....The screaming smoke alarm let me know that something was amiss in the house! The fact that you couldnt see your way to the kitchen for the black smoke was another clue...of course the light from the flames helped to find the way!!
I put the fire out by slamming the skillet that was sitting next to the pot on top of it..it was so hot that it fried the piece of meat that was in the skillet!!
Some men are a menace in the kitchen!! They shouldnt be allowed to handle anything more lethal than ice cubes!!
Hows the tooth doing?
Marie in TN
I can't wait to see the pictures, Marti. Poor guy, he has to wake up sometime, LOL!
At least the house is still standing! Geez, what do you want? LOL rich
oh.... glad you are all right. Was the alcohol in your husband? judi
Depended on how mad you were, but your letters are HUGE so I'm bettin really mad . . . you could have run up to his ear and yelled, "FIRE"! Why should he be in La La Land while you're in J-Land super PO'd!!! What do you mean, NOT FUNNY???
Gosh Marti how scary! everyone okay now? love,nat
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