So, it was an unguarded moment.
I was really happy.
I had one of those brief hallucinations that I was a teenager.
It was a sparkling summer day at the beach & we were wrestling,Tom & all the teens, Mariah , Terry & I.
5 weeks & one trip to the ER , 4 journeys to the physical therapist, at least 200$ to the pharmacist, 4 doctor's visits to 2 different docs later, I am recovering from a herniated disk & a tremendous jolt to my self esteem!
There is a lesson here, besides the obvious one, that perhaps as you near 50, you should consider sunbathing a sport!
Anyway, that is the jewel of positive thinking i have been able to come up with. If anyone has any other pearls of wisdom, feel free.
I have neglected my computer because typing & driving are the two occupations which have hurt the most.something about having to extend the forearms in that position.
Like the guy in the Monty Python movie when they came along ringing the bells, crying "bring out your dead", I'm getting better.
Bless your heart... I have a deteriorating disc in my neck...I SO feel for you. Pamper that injury dear, it will help you avoid migraines. C.
Hmmm…pearls of wisdom…let me see…ummm… How about this, “Those who feel pain when driving or typing should not do either until the pain subsides.” I’m afraid it’s not very profound but it may do wonders for the pain. You can also try gently placing the back of the hand on the forehead as you grimace in pain, and large quantities of chocolate and ice cream brought to you on a tray by your loved ones does wonders for the discomfort.
Hope you feel better soon, sweetie-pie!
Dear Marti,
hi! I hope that you feel better soon!
love and chocolate! love,natalie
Hope you feel better very soon, Marti!
"Wisdom is gained at a price." Sadly, as you have learned. We hope your recuperation is short and relatively painless, and that you get your life back quickly.
Bon & Mal
Awww, Marti
So sorry you are in pain. I was wondering why we didn't hear more from you. I'm glad you seem to be getting better, but don't overdo it. We'll still be here when you are more able to type again.
I think all those hurricanes finally got to you, being all couped up all the time....i do hope you'll feel better soon you're in my thoughts and prayers~kbear
I think its best that we brace ourselves for these Golden Years!
Ya know..protective pads, braces, goggles the works!
Hope you can move again soon.......without pain.
Wishing you health, happiness and laughter.
Marti, I know you've really been through a lot lately.
I have thought of you often and I say a little prayer now and then.
I am so so sorry . . . emotional and physical healing happen slowly but surely.
Dearest Marti,
AS someone who values your huge spirit, your strong sense of self, your creativity and your great desire to reach out and share the sun with others, I have to say that I regret your pain. Alos I ahve to say that I and countless others truly value your presence here more than you will ever know .... hugs and smiles,:):):)
All I can say is I can relate to pain and I sympathise, just to me the pain is almost worth it sometimes. I mean how many times can or will we actually have to feel and act like a teen. I cant remember that last time i did that. I admire you for trying. Just bites that the age catches up with us, expecially at those special times. I do hope you recover quickly so you can go play some more.
Mariann On Lupus and Life
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