Tuesday, July 12, 2005

the story of the hurricane

To rephrase the story from bob dylan "Now here's the story of the hurricane"

the governor came on tv and said in solemn tones"this is a mandatory evacuation of Mobile County" Now if you read my entry from August 2004, "survivin Ivan",you will know these are nothing to play with ,even though,in true family fashion, we find a party where we can.

I was cooking everything in the freezer & inviting folks over to eat it so it wouldnt' rot & doing all the laundry before the power went out. Caitlin was on the floor crying, scared of the storm & I was racking my brains to think of ways to comfort her.She is usually so fearless & optimistic , I am at a loss.she is wailin,"Oh, we have to leave , but what about all of our cats? and the dogs? what if the roof falls in & we get stuck...oh, look, Mama, there is my green sock! I havent seen that in a long time! Remember when we got it to go to that party & I wore it with those yellow shorts & Johnny chased me all night? Wasn't that fun!" Strattera be damned, there are times when distractibilty is a blessing! ( I wrote this with Cailtin's permission, one of her finest qualities is the ability to laugh at herself)

so, relatives by blood & spirit came and ate themselves into a coma & told stories that get better by retelling. We talked of Papa, only recently left us, and Tom's sister BK, taken too soon & the talk wasnt sad but soft & gentle & grateful for what we had. Eileen, my sister in heart, as well as in law & her man Patrick, who is a big man with a heart and laugh to match, joined us, along with my gentle son-out-law Terry, whom I love as my own.Mariah lit up the room with her smile, Cailtin darted around like a dragon fly while Tom told us long stories of times gone by.

The weather outside got rough, but the glow of the faces inside was what we focussed on. We drank all the wine and make various pallets and propped up on pillows. When we stirred the next afternoon, there was a lot of wet ground & a few limbs lying about...we are all safe until the next time....the price you pay to live in Paradise!

I don't mean to be glib, in the pics you can see waterspouts forming....we are aware of the danger, we just incorporate it into our lives & find what joy we can!

Hang onto each other when the winds blow, nothing is as hard when you have someone to cling to.

Love to you all & special thanks to Karen (Karebear4x4)& Marie (Galadriel9200) for checking up on me!



Anonymous said...

I am so glad Y'all made it through safe and sound.  Having lived in Fla. for twenty years, I've had a few hunker down sessions myself.  Sounds like you all made the best of it.  Hope things get back to normal for you quickly.

Anonymous said...

    Marti, I've been thinking about you and praying. Glad you're you're all safe.

Anonymous said...

We're very glad to hear that you made it through the storm without damage. We worry about people in harm's way, and it's nice to hear that you made the best of it.
Bon & Mal

Anonymous said...

I am so glad y'all made it through ok, and you did it with such style.  It takes courage to ride out a hurricane, but we already know you have that. ~Cyn

Anonymous said...

Happy for ya! rich

Anonymous said...

so glad you are ok. judi

Anonymous said...

I dont know where you are exactly, but I had no idea you were so close or affected by the hurricane. Being in California has made me grow naive to the fact that other parts of the country are in harms way- my prayers are with you. Hope all is well... ~Kori

Anonymous said...

As soon as I heard Dennis was headed Mobile way I was worried about you and wanted to be be sure you and your family (not to mention your roof!!) was ok!!  
   And Im glad to know all was well!!   Hurricanes seem to be pretty fattening!!!LOL
    Marie in TN

Anonymous said...

Storm watching parties can be fun, but a bit terrifying sometimes.  I'm glad ya'll are safe and all is well.  I just got word from a girlfriend who lives on the coast of the panhandle that she just got power last night, Tuesday night.  She didn't mention the Dennis Damage, just how grateful she was to have electricity.

Anonymous said...

Hang onto each other when the winds blow, nothing is as hard when you have someone to cling to.
Oh wow!
After I looked at the pictures I declare you One very brave soul.
Me and my dog Toto would have been clinging to the expressway and shaking like leaves. She would have to drive of course, I am much to afriad of storms!
The funnel shot is awesome but to close!!!!
Wishing you health, happiness and laughter.

Anonymous said...

I like the line relatives by blood and spirit...

I UNDERSTAND that line completely.  Glad you are ok.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marti,
wow.... I'm speechless..beautiful writing

Anonymous said...

Wow  great hurricane party story and that water spout pic was fab!