Better Homes and Gardens it's not!
This is a cymbal that belonged to our next door neighbor Al. He was a great drummer and a funny man. He used to come to the door and ask if we would come out and play. He was killed when he ran into a power line with an aluminum ladder. His girlfriend gave it to us. We hung it from the edge of The Porch and when the wind blows it softly dings. We always say, "Hi Al."
My rocking chair.
The words on the back say"Pax Cauma" Latin for "Peace and Calm"
The Porch's guardian angel.
our version of a stained glass window. We made it with paint and plexiglass.
The tree house we made for Tori, which is more often filled with teenagers.
The Porch mascot.
Winnie the Pooh
The Porch motto
The Mardi Gras tree. We throw all our beads from each Mardi Gras in it.
The front Porch
our trees
Pull up a chair and tell me a story.
I'd love to come sit a spell on your porch. It sounds homey, and delightful, warm, friendly. I imagine you'd make us some iced tea...would you? If you came to my house, my husband would offer you a beer, and I'd say "We also have some iced tea, sodas, and water." I loved the tour of your porch and yard. I think you and I could be great neighbors. What a sweet way to remember your friend, Al. Glad Caitlin is doing well. Relief!!! Bea
Most excellent tour. I love the cymbal. Sad for Al, however. The stained glass is beautiful regardless of what it is made of.
I wanna be there, spending my "Me" time with the Flamingo and Pooh! Do you have an extra chair? I'll just bring the hammock! Thank you so much for sharing where you find your peace! Have a wonderful tomorrow!
I think your porch is better then better homes and garden. Lots of history and love there. So sorry about how your neighbor got killed. That must have been awful.
Beautiful!! I dig weird and random decorating!
Love the Porch! especially Pooh! gotta come visit one of these days~kbear
How sad about Al.
I love your home, the pictures are great.
Linda x.
Just how I imagined it!!! A comfy place full of love and memories!!!
be well,
Girlfriend I'd sit on a rock on your porch just to be able to join in from time to time. With us it's always the late night bon fires out at the lake...some serious conversation as well as some silly conversations have been had sitting around those bon fires! lol
I want to know how you made that stained glass! I so want to do that. Please tell me how you did it.
Better Homes & Gardens porches are sort of like White carpet.....lovely to look at but not cut out for real life and real people. Love your porch! - Barbara
What a beautiful porch ~ a place anyone would feel warmth and welcome. Thank you for sharing!
Marti, you are an eclectic soul, and that's a good thing. Love the porch and I love the trees. That looks like you live in a place called heaven.
(Smiling here) Your porch is just as serene as my own. I'll send you a pic. one of these days. I'm going to send an email either tonight or tom. with the answers to your questions on my hearing. My daughter is in the throes of moving out this week so everything is in an uproar as is the drama of a 19 year old. (Hugs) Indigo
An interesting porch especially the symbol. Lots of pea shelling or corn husking could go on there with good conversation. Paula
Oh my, Marti, your porch looks like heaven to me! I grew up in the south, where most of the summer was spent out on the big, deep front porch. Yours feels just like home.
I'm so glad Caitlin's surgery went well. She is a lovely girl indeed.
I love your porch and now I know where all the hippies went...lol...I would fit right in. Instead of a flamingo we have a real live peacock who thinks it owns my front yard and my hubby's veggie garden! Sandi
I used to love my Grandma's front porch even though Old Jack hung out there and did not like kids. We'd climb on the fence and holler for Grandma to come out and restrain him while we marched past trying not to show fear. On her long side porch, the grape vines covered the long veranda bars. And the beds came out in the summer. This is just a beautiful grand tour of a great porch. I love the stained glass creation! Gerry
Hello, Marti, Your journal is great. I love porches...but here in Seattle it is more often our back decks....without and without cover. Your entries are enchanting...I like this tour of porches...my back deck is torn up right now...can't find the old journal entry but when it's done I"ll be posting pics of it on my journal...thanks for stopping by! Maria
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