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We are a motley crew
Come on up on The Porch and meet everybody
My nephew Kelley, who was a guitar and dobro player for a great band until he broke his family's heart and became a police officer. He said, "y'all are the weirdest people ever. Most families want their sons to have a job that pays the bills"
Evelyn, my great-niece, who looks like Tweety Bird
Eileen, the Best Aunt in the Entire World (just ask any of the kids)
She bought Mariah so many toys when she was little, she thought her name was Wal Mart.
Judy, the sister in law I love so much because as long as she is around, the family will never talk about how weird I am.She and Tom's brother David live so far out in the woods that even the grandkids' tricycles are up on blocks.
She makes herbal remedies that either cure you or taste so bad you lie and say you feel better.
Patrick , Eileen's husband , who I beat over the head and scream "slow down"when ever I ride with him except when I have to call him to come get me when my car is bad.
Seth, who came to his great grandfather's graveside with his own shovel.
Kathy, Kelleys wife and Katie, who is in training to be a massage therapist (and from the looks of it, may need more lessons)
Just a few of this wild cast of characters around here.
How could I ever leave this place?
Who knows what will happen next?
Thanks for the pictures, you have a way of making someone feel they are right there with you enjoying the festivities! (Hugs) Indigo
Fine lookin' family ya got there. Nice to meet them. paula
Awwww what a great group!!! I love them and the pics!
be well,
I am so glad that I met your family! All of you guys should pack up and come over. We would have so much fun together.
I love the family pictures, not to mention I laughed at what you wrote about them. Great stuff.
You are so funny! I love the photos and can SO relate to your family!! We have got to get together one of these days!
Martha :-)
I loved meeting your family! I want to sit on that Porch with you someday, and drink some iced tea... and just listen to the music and the chatter. I go out onto my deck at night, and usually I am alone, which is nice when one needs the peace and quiet, but once in awhile it's very nice to have friends and family around. bea
What an intro to the crew. I love the pics. Where are all the ones of you though? Thanks for sharing the pics.
Hugs, Barb
Enjoyed this a lot! A very happy entry!!
Great stuff! I want more stories about the herbal remedy woman! She sounds like a trip!
Just been enjoying catching up on your last week of entries, now my daughter and family have gone back to Germany I have a little time to call my own again.
Love all the photos.
Thanks for the invite to the porch - Happy to meet everyone! Hope you days are happy ones! Take care,
I might just have to pull up a chair on your porch one day!
Gaz ;-)
I truly enjoy the way you mix photos and text to tell your story. It makes me wanna reserve a chair off in the corner of the porch to sit-back and enjoy the crew!
Play hard, kaugh often, play hard.
LMAO… poor nephew Kelley to funny and he’s right. So Aunt Eileen is Walmart gee I thought that was my name there for awhile. Okay now you’re making a hick joke about everything being on blocks.. rolling laughing. You actually try the herbal remedies wow. So basically you’re saying Patrick’s code name is Mario Andretti. OMGosh did you all laugh at the shovel because I would have had cracked on that one. Are you sure you guys aren’t the Addams family? Enjoyed the story. Thanks for a look into your family. Actually, they look like lots of fun never a dull moment.
Take care, Chrissie
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