Look at Caitlin and Ian driving off in his brand new truck.
It really has not been that long since they were sitting in a stroller together.
While we are on the subject of cars,
just have a look at mine
Molly, Caitlin,Leah and Kelsey came running up to the house, all excited!
"Come look! Close your eyes! We have a surprise for you!"
It seems that they had decorated a friends'car for a football game a while back...
and I said, "How cool, I wish someone would decorate my car"
Apparantly I should have said, "How cool, I wish someone would paint my kitchen"
It reminds me of the time when Mariah was bitty and I said, "What is this colored all over my bedroom wall?"
"I did it,"she exclaimed proudly, "It says, I love you, Mommy."
I painted around it.
I drove around town proudly with my decorated car, too.