People came from everywhere!
Tom and Marti were 106
I'm 51, he's 55.
This is my mom.
Tom and his Mom
Look at rowdy little red-cheeked Lilly, all of five years old.
George Landon and Evelyn, cousins, 2 years old.They live next door to each other and are best friends and worst enemies.
Allan , my seven year old superhero.
My old friend Steve and the new member of our family, his partner, Vaughn,who drove 3 hours to be with us.
Also , Dana, one of the Lagoonatics from Florida.
Paul, my artist friend, Vaughn and Gina. I waited tables with her back in the Paddy O Toole's days and we have recently gotten back in touch.
Me, Rachel, also from the old Paddy's days, and Jutta, who lived nextdoor to me for about 7 years. we moved , then she moved in next door again at the new house.We stayed up way too late on moonlit nights.When she married Paul 10 years ago, she asked tom if he would give her away. "I'll walk you down the aisle,"he said almost tearfully, "but I'll never give you away"
Definitely time to say goodnight!
We are so lucky to be so loved.
I loved it that kids I used to take care of that are in their twenties now,come to hang with us. Here are Miranda Becca and Katie chowing down on some cake...It's still fun to play at Marti and Tom's house!
I love having our mothers with us.
It's a good life.
I'll never feel bad about growing older as long as birthdays are such fun!
Wishing you new birth all of your days,
Happy Birthday you two!~kbear
Happy Birthday to you both. You sure have a beautiful tan. Something I have never been able to have (not that I don't get in the sun) just turn red and back white. Many many more birthdays to you both, paula
Wow!!! Happy Birthday to you two kids!!! You look great, you both were having fun... you are very blessed with friends and family to love you... awesome!!!!
be well,
What a nice crowd you had! Eveyone looks so happy!
Tom sounds like a sweetie, what he said to your friend, about not giving her away. What a loving thing to say. You both are too young to be in your fifties. Your celebration looks like everyone had a great time being in your home, from the oldest to the youngest. Happy Birthday to both of you! bea
love all the pictures. Sounds like a great time on the porch.
Happy Birthday! What a great way to celebrate! You all look like you have so much fun! And that makes life special. Great to have a house full of loved ones.
So happy you were surrounded with love and joy on your birthday! - Barbara
A great party, see if you can squeeze a little Brit in next time! ;-)
Gaz xxx
Awww Marti, how wonderful to have so many of your family around you. Happy Happy Birthday! De ;)
So much joy in those pictures!! And I am really digging Lilly's boots! LOL
You sure can tell there's lot of loving going on, on that Porch! What fun you seem to have when all are close enough to hug! Take care of you and I'm sooooo happy life is being good to you!
Happy B-day! That looks like a rockin party! So glad you had fun.
Awesome get together! You can feel the love of family and friends coming through the pictures! (Hugs) Indigo
Looks like you all had a great time!! Where in MS Mariah from?? Thats where I am from! Cool!!!
What a wonderful time you had! Thanks for sharing ~ love the pics!
Happy 106!
What a great party. Love the photos, kids are so cute. A full house is pure, Sandi
Dear Marti
What a wonderful entry! thank you so much!
Hey sounds like you had agerat great time!
Lovely party, looks like one of our 'do's' here, all mixed ages. I was surprised to see you have exactly the same colour paint on you walls as I have in my office. I couldn't find the colour I wanted anywhere and then I found it in a range of paints for children's rooms. Just about sums me up!!! lol
Linda x.
Looks like a wonderful birthday party! You are lucky that's for sure!
God bless you bothand may you have many more happy birthdays! BTW i would never guess that you were 51, so gorgeous!!
Hugs, Marina
I'm late getting here, but so happy you and Tom have made it to 106. The party looked like a success. Happy Belated Birthday to you both.
Take care, Chrissie
Oh, I just loved loved these birthday celebration pics especially the ones of you and Tom. So much love and joy in these photos. You must inspire them! Gerry
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