This whole gang spent the night at Stacey and Craig's house in Mississippi
Brave souls
Stacey and I met at a New Year's Eve Party, the night we rung in 1981.
This is Molly, who is 20, second in line after Mariah of the next generation of Lagoonatics.
I'm loving the laughter of Leah, 16 and my Caitlin
I just wish to point out that the pictures that look as though we are all suffering from a seizure disorder are actually us dancing
in the morning
at breakfast
stone cold sober as the proverbial judge
so we have no excuse.
The one in which I look like I am delivering a sermon is me giving the New Year's toast...
With the magic math of friendship
Joy shared is doubled
Sorrow shared is halved.
Happy New Year,
Have a great 2008. I love the pictures. You sure your all sober? LOL.
To cute looks like a great time had by all. Happy New Year to you and your family.
Take care and Hugs, Chrissie
Happy 2008!!! As usual, your kind of party looks like so much fun, I wish I were there! yay!
be well,
Happy New Year!. Can't beat friend's and family, so much better than being out with a load of strangers.
Linda x.
Great pics..
Looks like a lot of fun!
Happy New Year, Marti! ~~Kath~~
You seem happy and are obviously blessed. - Barbara
All the best for 2008 Marti!!
Y'all always have the best times! Here's to 2008! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Marti & family!! may you have the best year ever!~kbear
I looks like you guys had a blast! Happy new year!
LOL you guys look like you had a blast! I love it!
Wishing you a beautiful 2008 that is everything you wish it to be. Take care now~
Rebecca Anne
Love the photos! Looks like you are all having a great time (as usual :-). Happy New Year! Martha :-)
My best to you and yours always throughout the new year! Take care,
You all look like the fun family feeling funny. Nothing wrong with dancing in the morning. I felt like doing that at What-A-Berger this morning while waiting for our 99 cent taquitos. They were playing the best country dance music. Paula
Lovely way to bring in the New Year...looks like you all had lots of fun. It's actually good to surround yourself with youth...I think it can be contagious! lol. Thanks for visiting my journal, sorry to hear about your Mom...we are all getting to that age...Good health to you and yours love, Sandi
A very happy and healthy New Year to you and yours. Stay warm.
Happy New Year! You guys look like you had a great time! We rung in the year at home, together, playing board games and drinking a little champagne! I hope this new year brings smiles, laughter, and much love to you and your clan!
Happy, Blessed, Peaceful New Year Marti. Loving those photos, Looks like a great time was had by all, or is it all was had by a great time? Thanks for keeping in touch.
I had to move my journal to Junior due to technical difficulties. Here is the new link.
Keep in touch and blessing to you and the crew!
Happy New Year Marti! Great pictures... the family is happy, close, and y'all love to celebrate! bea
Happy New Year Marti to you and your family, I really enjoyed all your pictures and stories. Fantastic. Love Pam xx
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