Sunday, March 2, 2008

Cheer Leader Tryouts

You could have cut the tension around here with a knife this week.
It was cheer leader tryouts.
The girls had clinic every day after school when they learned the dance.
They practiced until after midnight every night.
Tryouts were Friday.
Caitlin called me crying.
"I said the wrong words in the cheer, I put my hands down in my back tuck"
Then all the girls and moms went out to eat.
We had to do something to pass the time, so we got pedicures.
I am sitting there with my feet in warm water,enjoying my first time for the luxury immensely,when the call comes in...
THE LIST is posted.
No one is allowed on campus until the call.
I drive with my wet toes
Their are girls gathered around THE LIST.
They are quiet when they see Caitlin
When she reads her name the happy screaming starts.
I am weak with relief...
all the way there I have been planning how to comfort her
what will I say?
I got dragged into this cheer mom thing reluctantly.
My sneakers and rock T shirts kinda stand out in this crowd
but sometimes you follow where your children lead you.
Caitlin has had a few disappointments.
She lived, breathed and slept gymnastics.She was number 2 in the state until she seriously shattered her leg when she was in 8th grade.
Her balance was a little off after that and she couldn't' do gymnastics at that level any more, so she went into cheer leading.
So this has been a second dream for her.
I have seen few adults who could change the course of their lives with the grace that she has.
As a tradition, the girls who make the team go roll the coaches' houses.
They  rolled the wrong house!
They had to go get the woman and take her and show her the house they accidentally rolled!
and you try not to stereotype....
you try not to talk about cheer leaders being ditzy....


Anonymous said...

so glad she made the team!
lol at rolling the wrong house.
is that like tping?
ive never heard of a house being "rolled"

Anonymous said...

So glad Caitlin made the team, nothing like a little suspense to round out your week!  I got a chuckle out of the girls rolling the wrong house, LOL!  So now you are going to be a cheerleading mom.  Just another experience in this crazy world of ours.  I'll bet you have fun!

Anonymous said...

Cool beanz!
i don't see you as a cheerleading Mum either but hey whatever right?
Go C-A-I-T-L-I-N!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hip Hip Hooray! Way to to Caitlin! Hoping you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take care my friend,

Anonymous said...

Yea    Sounds like such fun.  Congrats to Caitlin.               Dawn

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Caitlin!  Too funny about TP'ing the wrong house though.  That's going to be hard to live down.  ~~Kath~~

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I think it is great when children are involved in something they love.

Anonymous said...

LOL   first congrats Caitlin  i could feel the tension in this entry, i can only imagine the magnitude of actually being in the midst of it   great story~kbear

Anonymous said...

Hey, your cheerleader will be an exception to the rule I'm sure!  ;o)  And I bet before it's all over, the girls will all think you are the coolest cheer mom. -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Caitlin! I can't believe they rolled the wrong house and what you said is just too funny! Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, AMAZING! We don't have anything like that over here. It sounds such hard work, but I suspect it nutures a team spirit and a desire to win.
Good luck Caitlin.
Gaz x

Anonymous said...

Oh good for your girl!  I bet you have your hands full!  Have fun though!

Anonymous said...

LOL  Glad she made it... I had no doubt!  Yay Caitlin!!!  You rock!  And so does mom!

be well,

Anonymous said...

yea how exciting. So glad she made it.

Anonymous said...

Go Caitlin! I know that tension but back then it was majorettes. Don't hear much about them anymore. The first year she lost and she waited until she got home to tear up. The second year she won and her competitior bawled but her mom was down right mad. Paula

Anonymous said...

Well done Caitlin!!

How do you roll a house?????

Linda x.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news! I'm still chuckling over the fact they rolled the wrong house....(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

lol I love it congratulations .. by the way I have done that too drive with wet toes and nails it is not safe I don't recommend it but I would do it again for my kid..
I am behind on journals just want to send you some hugs and wish you a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Now I know what that screaming was I heard here in Jersey lol!  Congrats to Caitlin, she sounds like she understands how life works and is keeping a great attitude.  You too - I know that feeling of relief and pride.  xoxo CATHY  

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Caitlin.  I'm sure she worked very hard to get there, so I'm so happy that she made it!

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA!  Congrats to your Caitlin.  I remember those days myself (I was a 3.5 ditzy, BTW...;) )  So far, my girlies haven't braved the cheerleading world.  I can't decide if that's a good thing, or a bad thing. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marti,
Big Congratulations!
I think that is sooooo great!
Hey this was a great entry too!
I felt like I was there with you guys!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful conclusion to what I imagine was full of tension! Congrats to her, I think it's wonderful she found something that fit right in with her gymnastics.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Caitlin!!!  Not only for making the team, but for trying out in the first place.  A lot of people wouldn't have gotten that far.  For finding a new direction, for accepting what has happened but not letting it slow her down.  YA-HOO FOR HER!!!!  (that's the extent of my cheering ability!)
