Mariah brought her to us.
The woman she belonged to
bought her for breeding purposes .
She drove all the way from CO to AL
with the 6 week old puppy
shut up in a garbage can.
Mariah stole her out of the car at a rest stop.
She met me at the door with her.
"oh, no", I said, "we have too many animals."
"okay", said Mariah,
"hold her a minute and I'll find her a home"
I picked her up,
all blonde and frightened
and big as my hand.
"Put the phone down"I said.
and she was ours.
or we were hers.
She was so scared at first.
She bit everyone who got near her.
A blanket thrown on the floor
would send her into hysterical barking.
But Tom took her everywhere he went,
carried her in his jacket
and she learned
to be petted
to wag her nub of a tail
to love us all
but to worship Tom
as the center of her universe.
She made every step he made.
When he had to leave her,
she perched on the back of the couch
listening for his steps.
She still bit him when he tried to groom her
or put medicine in her ears
or get her out of the car.
She was always her own dog
never did tricks
wouldnt' come to anyone but Tom
but she did love a party
never sat on the floor
always in a lap
slept next to Tom
and put her paw on him possessively
when I tried to wake him up.
when we knew the time had come
to say goodbye
Tom wouldn't let the vet tech take her
and she bit him one last time
when the needle went in
but she forgave him
and licked his hand
looked into his eyes
and left us.
She went everywhere with Tom
and he went with her as far as he could.
You Bet....Energy to burn with Java...Now if I could just use it as fuel for the car
So sad when we lose our pet friends.
Linda x.
This is a beautiful tribute and a lovely memorial tag.
Such a touching entry and tribute to Penny and the tag just sets it off. Paula
A lovely tribute to a good friend. {{}}
May God bless,
Awww... what a wonderful tribute to your sweet, wonderful Penny! I know you will be together again... you know it too. {{{ hugs and love }}}
be well,
A perfect tribute...seriously. That was so well done!
That choked me up big time, when I was a child we had a dog with the same name. She gave birth to 23 puppies in her years on earth and protected me and my brother like we were hers. She lived till she was 16, I was heartbroken. That was a lovely tribute.
Gaz xxxxx
Beautiful, Marti.... so sorry for your husband's loss. I know he will miss her being by his side all the time. That's what my husband said about Max, that he stayed by his side when they walked out in the woods, but Misty always ran off. Max was the one who loved us most, I think. It's been a month since our Max died. I still see his adorable face peering up at me, waiting for me to get out of bed in the mornings, it's so hard. I cried last night thinking about how he came to the side of our bed and just looked at me until I acknowledged him, then he would jump up and put his paws on the sideboard. Penny loved you all and all that biting and nipping was not meant to hurt... our Max always growled at us, even as we hugged him, and sounded vicious if we even picked him up. I always warned people not to pick him up. He was so adorable you just wanted to pick him up, but he wouldn't allow it. He'd let me, but growled the entire time. I know you will miss your Penny, but I do know that having the other dog in my life is helpful. I talk to her about Max, I say his name, and her ears perk up. She knows he's gone. I do my best to ease her loss as well. May the pain subside, and the memories linger forever. It's still worth it. We know we are going to lose them, but we love them still. bea
Goodness, you made me cry. So sweet.
Very good memorial to her. May you both find comfort in your sweet memories of her. Helen
Paul C
Beautiful tribute! I had tears streaming down my eyes. Oh she was so loved. (Hugs) Indigo
Oh, they come into our lives at all different times and make our lives so much better - all they want is love they give so much more well...Sandi
What a truly beautiful entry. I don't need to say anything, because you said it all. rich
beautiful, just beautiful!
thanks for sharing Marti!
I love you, hang in there
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