I got these questions from Lioneyes. i dont' have a link to her journal, so if you read this & can help...please do!
1) What is the most important piece of advice you have taken either learned or heard?
No one ever told me this , but in my life I have learned that when I look back, I have never regretted being too kind.
2) If you had to choose one hobby to stick with for eternity, what would it be and why? I want to spend eternity sitting on a porch swapping stories with my family & friends.
3) Is there anything in your life that you feel like you're in denial over?
I am really scared of illness & death,so I try to live joyfully.
4) You have to relive two days of your life...one good and one bad...describe the days you choose.
Well, I guess for both of those ,I would choose theday my children were born,discomfort of labor,and joy of birth. that is kind of an allegory for life ,isn't it?
5) AOL has decided to cancel Journals. As a frequent user of this community; write a quick argument on why this is a poor business decision on their part.
Well,there is always pencil & paper!
In keeping with breaking up the monotony I have created this bonus question.
Bonus Question: What is your most favorite journal entry that you have wrote and why? I think this one
Saturday, January 29, 2005
7:22:00 AM EST
Feeling Silly
Hearing Leon russell
Caitlin...I need to tell you about her , but she nearly defies my descriptive powers. When she was little, she would climb on top of door jambs and jump on unsuspecting people's heads as they passed underneath....when asked what she wanted to be when she grew up ,she would say "I wanna fly" At 9, she watched gymnasts on tv & said ,"that's it! I wanna fly like that" And fly she did, passing up kids who started in the sport when they were two.She won competitions all over the state, often offering her medals to girls who didn't win one.
Just after winning the third place medal for State Competition, she shattered her leg in 4 places doing a double flip at the gym.She was in a cast up to her hip for 6 weeks, on bed rest for two, out of gym for almost a year. During this time she wrote a book on Broken Bones & How to Deal, offering suggestions like "Name your cast. You are going to be together for a while,so you might as well get to know each other."
Her gymnastic dreams are not a reality now, she still can't train that hard. She waves her team mates off & wishes them good luck. She loves going to the gym and never mentions the time when she was the golden girl.
Now,she takes ballet and has the look of another world on her face when she dances.
On a foggy night in the park, there is a talent exhibition. Caitlin is done with her on-stage dance and I am looking for her.I see a small crowd gathered.All unaware , she is dancing to some inner music. I can only faintly see her in the mist.She looks like a fairy....Flying...
Okay now the rules...After answering these questions you must post them in your journal with a link to the journal of the interviewer. Then either leave a link back in the interviewers interview entry or email the interviewer that you have posted your answers in your journal. Then you must offer to interview five other people. You may use these questions or make up your own. If someone is interested in being interviewed by you all they have to do is leave a comment saying interview me or something like that.
Anybody game?
Email me or leave a comment and I will respond with my own set of questions.......thanks
1) What is the most important piece of advice you have taken either learned or heard?
2) If you had to choose one hobby to stick with for eternity, what would it be and why?
Mine: TAKING PHOTOS, always something new-holds on to the past.
3) Is there anything in your life that you feel like you're in denial over?
MINE: AGING ( now way 50 years can go by that fast)
4) You have to relive two days of your life...one good and one bad...describe the days you choose.
MINE: GOOD-5 years Cancer Free Check Up
5) AOL has decided to cancel Journals. As a frequent user of this community; write a quick argument on why this is a poor business decision on their part.
Mine: It would have to be a direct violation of TOS, not an opinion.
Thanks for the interview.
Misstype on comment .
Correction on address for journal.
I love your story about Caitlin. Someday that internal music she hears is going to direct her life, and boy what a surprise she is going to be to everyone around her! I can't wait to hear her name as a leading ballerina or dancer.
Ive never tried one of theses interviews....what questions would you pose.... for me to search my soul for the answers? I'm game!!
I love reading them...really gives me insight into the inner you...
MArie in TN
Nicely done. I'm soooo with you on #3!
wow that girl has a wonderful spirit! Inspiring!
As far as #3 goes, if you know the Lord, and follow Him, you will not be afraid to die. You may be somewhat afraid to die, but He will give you peace in this life and in the next. -Krissy
You are truly a gifted writer.
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