Friday, May 27, 2005

what I did on my summer vacation week one

I get up while the day is still all fresh & green to take Mariah to work (man, i hate it for her)

The big decision is what to listen to on the way.This morning it was U2.

After I get past that hurdle,it 's coffee with Mom, then home to sit amongst my plants in my agressively green yard and read the paper.

when Caitlin & any sundry other children who have spent the night get up, it's off to the pool.

My mom moved out of the apartment complex where we keep "our" pool 2 years ago, but since we go there every day, they somehow are under the impression that we live there & I would hate to disillusion them at this late date!

then it's pb& j for lunch.

serious philosopical discussions then ensue from the deck chairs & the hammock over the lyrics of the latest Good Charlotte song and the last episode of Vive La Bam. (this will make no sense to those of you without teens in your house.)

the next major decision is where to go on our walk.

Oh, I have SSSSSSSO earned this!



Anonymous said...

Here's hoping you have a great summer vacation and are able to recharge those batteries to face next year's challenges.  Yes, you deserve this!  :)

Anonymous said...

Now my girl thinks Good Charlotte are posers, but the philosophy of Vive Le Bam is a topic we get into.  My take -- he needs a good spankingm but he might enjoy it, and that would just ruin the purpose of it all

Anonymous said...

I have two teens and I have NO clue what you are talking about! hmm maybe homeschooling is paying off! LOL

Anonymous said...

What a delightful day you had.  Love your pool story!  I'm glad you decided on listening to U2 this morning, but, come on, was it really that difficult a decision?  If you answer yes to that, you leave me with no choice other than to track the apartment manager down and tip her off!  ; )

Anonymous said...

So this is what i get to look forward to once retired, minus the teenagers...that will be THE day!   enjoy your summer and tell me more of what's to come:-)~kbear

Anonymous said...

I am pea green with envy..must be my weddding and prom world I need to master cloning...that way 2 or 3 of them could go try to keep up with my work load...while I sit out on the deck and enjoy the sunshine! LOL
   Enjoy your've earned it!
Marie in TN

Anonymous said...

Kickin' back, that's so cool!! rich

Anonymous said...

yeah..alot of life in one day...:)