Tuesday, May 24, 2005



the first pic is my Girl Scouts, tired from camping

next ... wild women on the beach

then,our children...

Oh, I had such a good weekend!

I have 4 friends who all met through a neighborhood bar where I worked when I quit teaching full time to stay home with Mariah.The place was a magical oasis where we all found a home for awhile.

That was 22 years ago. now 3 of us are teachers, one an educational assistant, one an occupational therapist.

Between us, we have10 biological children, one unofficially adopted son & 3 stepchildren.

Our friendship has lasted longer than 4 of our marriages.

All the kids have been raised as cousins.We live in 3 different states,which is a good thing,because when we get together ,the message is excess...we eat too much , drink enough to float boats, laugh way too loud for the comfort of our neighbors.

We adore our husbands, are devoted to our kids, but we know , that at the end of the day,it's our girlfriends that get us through.

Stephanie and I drove the hour and a half to Stacey's house. We went to eat at a place that had an all you can eat crawfish , crab leg & shrimp bar. I quickly created a landfill of crustacen crud aand put it on a nearby table. When the people we thought had left returned and exclaimed, "what is THAT?" we became helpless with laughter and never did own up to it!

Then, god help me, there was a chocolate fountain!

We went to see America.

When Mariah told a friend, "my mom went to see America", the woman responded, "oh, like to find herself?" so I feel compelled to add, not like Easy Rider, the band form the early 70's...Ventura Highway,Horse with no Name?

We laughed & cried & talked till 4 am.

We got up and took our bad heads to the beach.

Then drove home & I jumped in the car & drove another 45 minutes in the opposite direction to go to a baby shower for my friend Melissa, who is my co-leader with the Girl Scouts. she is 39, has a 14 & 12 year old. She was quite surprised! I frolicked a bit with my Girl Scout friends.

Then Sunday,another baby showere for my new great-niece! She is so sweet and baby-smelling...I am so happy to have all this love in my life!



Anonymous said...

Nothing like a good old friends......they know us well and love us anyway right????

Anonymous said...

Life without friends would not be life at all!! rich

Anonymous said...

And a great time was had by all!  I love to hear about good friends getting together and having fun.  Welcome home!

Anonymous said...

What a great entry.
I loved the Our friendship has lasted longer than 4 of our marriages.
I am still smiling.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh...  This is such fun to read, and the pictures are like icing on the cake.  I love the enduring relationships you have with these women.  This is a testament to friends everywhere!  It's your own Ya-Ya Sisterhood: you adore your husbands, are devoted to your children, but in your hearts and minds know that it's the girlfriends that get ya through the thick and thin of life.  Ain't that the truth!

Anonymous said...

What a fun weekend! I think thats just wonderful!!! Memories at their finest

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of the beach!  What a wonderful sounding weekend too...  I envy you the friends and the ocean too!  Thanks for visiting my journal, and for leaving me the link...  your journal sounds fun...  I'll be back to peek!

Anonymous said...

very wonderful